Monday 20 August 2012

5 Ways HIIT Workouts Burn More Fat

Ever heard of HIIT? It’s a new workout strategy that’s all the rage these days because of it’s great ability to not only kill calories, but melt body fat. What do you usually do for your workouts now? Jog for 40 minutes? Do the elliptical for 30 minutes? Well HIIT workouts are usually 15-20 minutes long and involve 20 – 60 second intervals with a 10 second rest.

These workouts are also becoming very popular because they are quick, which are perfect for the hectic lives we all live today. Check out these five facts that show that HIIT training can burn more fat than traditional workouts:

1. Heart Rate:
As you probably know, it’s when your heart rate is pumping that your body is burning the most calories. HIIT workouts consist of high intensity training, rest, high intensity training, rest…..etc. This gets your heart rate pumping, then brings it back down, and it continually repeats. Great for burning calories and fat.

2. Cardio AND Muscle:
Another fantastic aspect of HIIT training is the fact that you are working out both your muscles for strength training AND getting in your cardio.

3. Release of Fatty Acids:
HIIT workouts actually signal the release of fatty acids into your bloodstream, therefore, burning more fat.

4. Burn Calories From Your Calorie CounterAfter Your Workout:
HIIT Workouts are specifically designed so that even after you stop working out, your muscles continue burning calories for hours after your workout.

5. Increase of HGH:
HGH is a hormone that actually burns fat while preserving your muscle, and HIIT training has been proven to increase this hormone.

I hope these tips have helped you in your fitness journey. If you have some other facts and information about HIIT training that we’ve left out, please feel free to comment below.

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