Wednesday 8 August 2012

5 Tips for a Healthier Lifestyle

One thing people need to stop doing is referring to “their diet”. In order to get into good shape and get healthy, you aren’t doing a diet, you are changing your lifestyle. It’s unfortunate that some people actually try some diets” because the truth is that diet plans will shed the pounds, but as soon as that diet is finished you are going to gain those pounds back on. So here are five proven tips that will help you shed the pounds and keep those pounds off.

Use Smaller Plates
I know it sounds cheesy, but it works! If you use smaller plates for your meals, you WILL eat less. It’s a psychological thing. If you want to eat smaller meals but use the same plates, you’re going to think you are starving yourself. So what you want to do is use smaller plates so the food portion will appear larger.

Don’t Rush Your Meals
When you rush your meals, it doesn’t give your body the chance to feel full so you end up eating a lot more than you actually need. However, when you take the proper amount of time to eat (You don’t have to eat slowly, just a normal pace), it gives your body time to adjust to having food in your stomach and you’ll feel fuller much quicker which allows you to eat less.

Don’t Overdo The Alcohol
Alcohol is a great treat in moderation. However, if you drink too much alcohol it not only packs on a ton of extra calories but it also causes you to crave more and give into those cravings easily. So drink in moderation and try to have a glass of water in between each drink.

Fruit For Dessert
Although you shouldn’t really need dessert, we all know a little dessert is very nice every once in a while. But instead of having a piece of cake, cookies, or brownies, opt for naturals dessert! Have a bowl of strawberries, or kiwi, or an orange.

Ask Yourself: Are You Hungry?
So many people eat because they are bored! What I do – and trust me, it’s not easy! – I ask myself “Are you really hungry or are you just bored?”. Most of the time if I have to ask myself the question, I’m actually not hungry so I find something to keep myself preoccupied or I grab something to drink like a coffee, water, or tea.

For more great articles and tips on fitness, nutrition, weight loss and recipes check out

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