Friday 13 July 2012

Top 5 Low Calorie Fruits to Enjoy

Fruits are an essential in our daily diets. Females between the age of 19 and 50 years old require 7-8 fruits and vegetable servings per day and males between the ages of 19 and 50 require 8-10 fruits and vegetable servings per day. Are you getting the required amount of servings per day? Probably not! Most people don’t! Unfortunately many Diet Plans state that too many fruits are packed with sugars and carbs, and while this is true, they are still required. So check out these low sugar and low calorie fruits to incorporate into your daily meal plan:


These delicious fruits contain only 17 calories per 1 apricot, as well as vitamin C, vitamin A, and iron. You can either eat these alone (raw) or you can incorporate them into your daily meal recipes.


We don’t mean go buy a can of cherries soaking in syrup! Go to your local grocery store and buy a bag of fresh cherries! One cup of cherries is only 74 calories and these are loaded with anti-inflammatory and anti-aging anticancer compounds. They also contain Vitamin A, Calcium, Vitamin C, and iron.

Honeydew Melon

These are my favorite! Honeydew melon is like nature’s dessert! This sweet and delicious melon only contains 61 calories per 1 cup of chopped cubes, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Iron, and Calcium.


Another one of my favorite snacks! These are perfect for on-the-go snacks too! Just throw them into a Ziploc bag and off you go! At our Calorie Counter, there are only 10 calories in 10 raspberries – that’s 1 calorie per raspberry! They also contain Vitamin C and iron.


Another delicious snack and perfect for on-the-go as well as low-calorie diets! Peaches contain only 38 calories per peach as well as Vitamin C, iron, Vitamin A, and calcium.

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