Thursday 19 July 2012

5 Health Issues That Occur When You Don’t Eat Enough Calories

So many people who are desperately trying to lose weight thing that the best strategy to do this is to stick to a strict 1200 per day calorie-intake and exercise more each day. This may work for some people, but for others, they end up weighing themselves a few weeks later and find that they are the same weight – or worse – gained weight! Not eating enough calories is not only hard on your body and your muscles, but it can also lead to the following health complications:

1. Metabolism Slowdown

Your metabolism is a set of chemical reactions that involve your digestive process, how you convert food into energy, and how well you burn that fuel (food). Metabolism is determined by both hereditary conditions and how well you take care of your body. The faster your metabolism is, the faster help you in your Weight Loss and keep the weight off. After you exercise, your metabolism is going for up to 46 hours after and this is where fat-burning takes place.

2. Body Burns Muscle, Not Fat

When you don’t eat an appropriate amount of calories for your body, your body will end up burning muscle mass and tissue instead of burning fat. Therefore, you’ll end up having a high body fat percentage which is not only unhealthy, but can be discouraging for someone trying to lose weight.

3. Fatigue

This is definitely the most noticeable side effect just because you actually feel tired, low energy, and sluggish. This is because your body needs energy to function and if you aren’t taking enough calories from a best Calorie Counter then your body will wear out causing fatigue.

4. Weight Gain

Once again, when you don’t consume enough calories, this slows down your metabolism and when you have a slow metabolism, it causes weight gain.

5. Poor Immune System

Because your body relies on calories as energy to function properly, your body’s organs will suffer from the lack of nutrition. Therefore making it easier to get sick, get illnesses, and infections.

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