Thursday 28 June 2012

5 Natural Energy Boosting Snacks

So we all have days where we’re a little tired either due to lack of sleep, an illness, or stress. It’s completely normal to have these days every once in a while (and maybe more!), but there are some good foods to have during these days that will pick you up a bit without you turning to a can of Redbull. Here are my top five energy-boosting snacks:

Cup of Bananas & Apples

Sounds plain, but it’s healthy, delicious, and a great pick me up! The banana has a ton of potassium and the apple is packed full of Vitamin C. Really, you can have any fruit! They are “good” carbs and all fruits are packed full of nutrients and minerals. I usually take 1 banana and 1 apple, cut it up, throw it into a bowl, and enjoy a nice mini fruit salad.

Greek Yogurt & Bran

So I tried Greek yogurt for the first time a few weeks ago after hearing all the health benefits it offers, and I’m telling you I can’t get enough of it! It’s so delicious! I like it much better than regular yogurt because it’s nice and thick, rich, and packed full of protein! I usually get the Plain 0% MG Greek yogurt as it only contains 120 calorie counter per ¾ cup. I put that ¾ Greek yogurt into a bowl and put about ¼ - ½ cup of bran (you can use another healthy cereal), and wallah! You’ve got a delicious yogurt parfait!

Nut Mixture

So this is my BIGGEST weakness! I absolutely love a nice mixture of unsalted nuts, and the problem is I have a hard time stopping myself after I have that ¼ cup of nuts! I usually go to my local health food store and get the unsalted nut mixture of almond, cashews, pistachios, and seeds. These nuts are great in moderation as they are packed full of healthy fats that our bodies need and they also contain Vitamin E and omega-3.

Hummus & Whole Wheat Pita

It took me a while to really like hummus as the texture would always gross me out, but this spread is packed full of protein which is great for helping to build up your muscle mass. Pair it with 1-2 mini (6 inches) whole-wheat pitas and you’ve got a great little energy-boosting snack!

Berries Mixture

We all know how unbelievably healthy blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries can be so I love to mix them together for a little mini fruit salad! Blueberries should be your main berry in it as they promote brain function, are major energy boosters, and contain antioxidants.

Hope this article provides the newest healthy recipes, exercise routines, and weight loss tips. and don’t forget to check us out on Facebook and Twitter.

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Tuesday 12 June 2012

Calorie Foods Found In kitchens Across The USA

Processed foods, though convenient, are jam packed with harmful chemicals used to help preserve the life of the main ingredient in your food as well as a handful of other features to help sell the product like; texturizing the product, hiding the true odors of the ingredients, and adding a false flavor to products that do not naturally taste like what is advertised.

Some of the most common elements found in our kitchens can be made fresh, but due to the convience made by manufacturers we purchase them instead. The following are some of the common processed foods found in kitchens across the USA.

Pre-shredded cheese

In preparing for family taco night this week, you grab a bag of pre-shredded cheese when in the dairy section of the grocery store instead of a brick of regular marble cheese. Why? Because more then likely you will be running late after work and have minimal time to prep dinner as everyone comes home and complains of hunger. Purchasing that pre-shredded cheese may have saved you 5minutes in the kitchen, but what chemicals did it add to your family’s bodies? All pre-shredded cheese contains cellulose; actually known as wood pulp. If we’re willing to add wood pulp to our dinner menu, what else are we willing to add in the name of convenience?

Canned Fruits and Vegetables

Many people have cupboards stocked full of canned foods. This is ok when it is the off-season for vegetables, or if you do not have access to fresh fruits or vegetables at the time. However, when purchasing canned produce, there are things you need to keep in mind to make your choice the healthiest. Purchase only those items that are necessary in your weekly meal plan. If you don’t need that can of pineapples in syrup for a meal this week, opt for a fresh pineapple and substitute it into the receipt. Canned vegetables and fruit contain a lot of unnecessary sodium and sugars. Purchase the cans that are labeled ‘low’, ‘reduced sodium’, or packaged in water not syrup.

Processed meat

When you Google the words ‘processed meat’, several articles with the titles “Processed Meats Declared too Dangerous for Human Consumption” and “Processed Meat a Real Health Risk” pop up. One should not be consuming products that when searched on the Internet result in articles like these. Studies have shown that consumption of these meats increase rates of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. These rates are increased due to the chemicals used in processed meats that help them preserve their freshness. Not only are processed meats full of chemicals, but production companies often use lower graded meat to cut down on cost. Lower graded meat often includes more saturated fats, which increase levels of bad cholesterol. When preparing meals, take the time to prepare fresh cut meat from your local butcher. Or if your pressed for time when preparing meals, choose to precook portions of meat that can be reheated during the week for different dinner ideas.

You can found easily at our Calorie Counter that, from where you get and how you can prepare healthy food. This counter is aiming to provide the newest healthy recipes, exercise routines, and Weight Loss tips.

For more detail please visit our website:

Monday 4 June 2012

3 On-The-Go Exercises

Busy. That’s a word that all of us more than likely say at least 15-30 times per day. We are all busy. Too busy to visit people, too busy to work out, too busy to work on that project, or too busy to do your favorite hobby. We all live busy lives, but here are 3 exercises you can do ANYWHERE. Check them out!

Three-Legged Table

This workout is great for the butt, arms, and your abs. Here’s how to properly do it:

• Sit on mat (if you have one, or the floor carpet) with your knees bent and hands under shoulders, fingers pointing toward your butt.
• Lift your butt until your knees are at a 90-degree angle.
• Extend your right leg toward the ceiling, foot flexed, then lower to knee level, toes pointed; keep hips still.
• Do 10 reps, keeping hips lifted.
• Switch legs; repeat.

Hover Scissors

This workout targets your shoulders, abs, butt, and legs. Here’s how to do it:

• Get into the plank position with forearms on floor and abs engaged.
• Lift your left leg, keeping it level with your hips, and move it 1 foot to the left.
• Keeping your leg elevated, bring it back to the center and cross over your right leg.
• Do 10 reps.
• Switch legs; repeat.


This is a great workout for your butt and legs. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to properly do it:

• Lie face down on floor, forehead on hands, with legs lifted in V position, toes pointed out.
• Pull your belly button in and push your hips down.
• Keeping legs lifted, bend knees, flex feet and bring them toward your butt. .
• Release.
• Do 10 reps.

Hope you enjoy these on-the-go exercises! Do you have a favorite exercise you do while you’re on-the-go? Share it with us by commenting below! For more great articles and tips on fitness, health, and exercises check out Calorie-Smart’s blog! Here you will found the complete solution of your Weight Loss. Get any type of help from our Calorie Counter at any time.